Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Cloak Of Invisibility

I am a simple man with simple pleasures, the smallest of occurences, I find can make or break a day. For example, your busting your guts and in dire need of "dropping the kids off at the pool", but you know your not going to be able to clench those cheeks long enough to find a suitable lavotory, so you take your chances and duck into the nearest public facility, as you dash frantically through puddles on the floor, watching your foot placement so that puddle ( your hoping in just water ) doesn't splash up and soak up your new DS trainers. U kick open the cubicle door and relieve yourself on the aluminium bowl without a seat. You then turn your head to find the crap wrap dispenser is no longer containing that 3 ply, silk Purex you were hoping for. No this is a bad day.Another day, your at home, due is calling in sick at work. Your relaxing on the couch watching the day time soaps, just to perve on the ladies of course. (definatly not for the story line). You start to feel abit peckish so you head to the freezer grab the open tub of neopolitian ice cream ( it's feeling abit light) so of course you wouldn't have your hopes up. To your surprise you pull the lid off only to find a a whole un touched row of chocolate sitting there all by it's lownsome. This ladies and gentlemen is a good day. Having said all that, I believe a good portion of the male species believes simple pleasure are the key to a happy life. So why is it that women are making it more and more difficult for these simple occurrences to come by. Example, this happens to all males regardless of look, age and bank balance. No one is spared from this womanly injustice, I am refering to driving along a loverly stretch of road coming to a intersection or set of lights. You come to a stop, turn your head and glance at the female in the car beside you. You continue to glance, and glance some more until that glance has become a full out stare. Now the woman is the car beside you knows your starring, she knew when it was a simple glance, but she will refuse to turn her head and make any eye contact. And why ? When did a little bit of eye contact become such an adulterous affair? If the woman in the car did turn her head and make slight eye contact with the male in the car opposite it would make his day. It would immediatly remove all the negative occurences and make the little fella feel that all is well in society and he is apart of it ( although he mostly isn't) and the world is a happy place. What's that you don't believe me? I myself was walking down oxford street on holidays last year and was walking towards a stunning female, this woman was well and truely out of my league, yet as we drew closer to one another and I was admire her beauty, she looked up, made eye contact and then flipped a little smile, right in my direction. As a matter I fact I had to turn my head to make sure she wasn't smiling at some one behind me (she wasn't) we proceded to continue walking and we both went on our merry way. After this Haley comet of occurences transpired I was one happy man, that moment made the holiday. And all it took was a little eye contact from a little eye candy and abit of a smile. Like I said life is all about those simple pleasures, so ladies give it up and stop being the bitch at the lights trying to burn a hole in your dash board with your dead arse stare.

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